Caliyah Incorporated
To deliver world-class infrastructure for the development of the Filipino People.
Company Background
Caliyah Inc. was established on February 2, 2021 offering construction of small-medium rise building, residential houses, interior renovations, and infrastructures. Our team is determined to explore different opportunities that requires our technical and project management skills.
Caliyah Inc., is a highly reputable company that prides itself on its extensive compliance with various regulatory bodies. With official registration from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board (PCAB), the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS), Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), Social Security System (SSS), Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth), and Home Development Mutual Fund (PagIBIG Fund), we have established ourselves as a reliable and trustworthy organization. Our commitment to adhering to legal and industry standards ensures that our clients can confidently collaborate with us, knowing that we operate with utmost integrity and professionalism.
Our Mission
To deliver world-class infrastructure for the development of the Filipino People.
Our Vision
The vision of Caliyah Inc. is to be recognized in the world of construction with excellence.
Completed Projects
Local Infrastructure Program, Rehabilitation of Flood Control (Phase II)
Construction/Maintenance of Flood Mitigation Structures and Drainage Systems, Repair/Rehabilitation of Flood Control (Phase III)
Construction/Repair/Rehabilitation Improvement of Various Infrastructure Including Local Projects (VILP) - Construction of Flood Control Mitigation Facilities
Construction/Rehabilitation of Flood Mitigagion Facilities Within Major River Basins and Principal Rivers, Construction of Flood Control Mitigation Facilities
Construction/Rehabilitation of Flood Mitigagion Facilities Within Major River Basins and Principal Rivers, Construction of Flood Control Mitigation Facilities
Construction/Rehabilitation of Flood Mitigagion Facilities Within Major River Basins and Principal Rivers, Construction of Flood Control Mitigation Facilities
Construction/Rehabilitation of Flood Mitigagion Facilities Within Major River Basins and Principal Rivers, Construction of Flood Control Mitigation Facilities
Local Infrastructure Program, Construction of Multi-Purpose Building
Contract Package for Two(2) Storey Standard PAGCOR Multi-Purpose Evacuation Center
Off-Carriageway Improvement - Primary Roads - Manila North Road - K0318 + 711 - K0320 + 329
Contract Package for the Tagudin Resettlement Project
Construction/Rehabilitation of Flood Mitigation Facilities within Major River Basins and Principal Rivers - Construction of Flood Mitigation Facilities
Sustainable Infrastructure Projects Alleviating Gaps (SIPAG) - Construction of Flood Mitigation Facilities
Construction/Rehabilitation of Flood Mitigation Facilities within Major River Basins and Principal Rivers - Construction of Flood Mitigation Facilities
Contract Package for the Construction of Tampugo Bridge
Contract Package for the Completion of Bridge Connecting Farm to Market Road
Construction of Multi-Purpose Building
Contract Package for the Renovation of Pallogan Multi Purpose Agricultural Activity Hall
Total Amount of Contracts
PHP 608,062,998.00
USD 10,330,951.46